Well i realise those people who are naturally slim and those who lose weight and keep it off all can be concluced in 4 aids that works...

First , SEAT DOWN AND EAT or when consuming... people usually have this missconception that they would like burn off fats while they are eating. In
some terms i do agree to that but then researches shown that people who are seated during their mals consume 200 calories lesser in their next meal...

Secondly, Scooping with a small spoon by doing this you are able to mantain your portion saizes petite but tend people tend to think since the spoon is so small i can scoop more. Well its the wrong way to think we have to set a limit at to hw many scoops... and stop there.. You don't have
to totally give up on what you love to eat its just the fact of moderation..

Thirdly, KEEP GOODIES OUT OF SIGHT by keeping goodies in clear containers cause you to eat 46% more. instead of storing u cookies, biscuts, try placing cut veggies or fruits in a clear container.. you might think.... veggies and fruits are so boring .. well why not storing left over pasta o browniee... lol...

Lastly,Don't EAT IN THE DARK.. as people do tend to eat more in a cool, dark n comfortable rooms such as cinema... you won't realise til its gone i mean popcorn... well its not surprising so turn up thedimmer switch while dinning and save the mood lighting for later...