well to continue.....
we when on to invite our another granma(dad's mum), in my uncles house.. we brought her out to eat in beijing restoran.

2nd floor of the house with my sis posing.

form the second floor looking down

OH man i only got one picture the rest i dunno where it has gone too...
But the food there quite expensive.my mum u can see talking with my granma.But morning down stairs of our house got robbery.. and it happen bout 9am plus.... its bright... 2 indian guys rob 8guys... one indian guy with a parang knife another snatch money and bags. Now a days in JOHOR very dangerous theft o robbers will just chop off your hand just to get your ring.

ok then the next day its sunday, i m on duty in my chruch. teaching my small kids 8years old . well look at me so tird like not enuh slp that day but i feel ok.... don't know why i look like dat but that red tee is our uniform.... for teachers only.... then i cut my front hair bit... i don't like it to b tooo long....that morning was good... my class only 12 students came usually 21 students i think cause still in the holiday mood thats why didn't come.
THen at night my mums cellgroup got potluck. see what my mum bring...
mushroom soup with
gracil bread, nuggets , fishballs and sauages.... she don't really have time to cook cause after chruch we got teachers monthly meeting.

2nd floor of the house with my sis posing.

i invited my friend celine to come...ther the pic you'll see are pictures in the house... and eating time can see my granma and frens... we got dancing imination people dancing... see my dad so funny.. the house is very huge... 3 storeys and got lift as well....

see my granma eating my sis fren on the left....
my student on the right.. then a small gal which is my sis fren sis very smart and cute...

my sis and ther friend on the right....

TO be continued....
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