scrub scrub scrub.... cleaning .....in the morning....
well cause of us... me and my mum...

this is the sambal... for the sambal sotong ball...
it was a dish sold in our school canteen... when we were in primary school..
i don't know how my mum get to learn it....
this is sambal... my mum added garlic to it...

This picture is hillarious...

and here i am frying the sotong balls...
i am not in the picture... as i am taking a picture of it....
on the right... its frying....
on the left... it is left to cool...

Finished product....
here... we serve it both ways... as the sambal is really spicy...

chicken roasting in the oven...
it seems that my aunty from australia bought an oven similar to this for my mum...
but my mum bought it already...
so... my mum say keep it for me when i have my own family...
i laughed and replied her... i don't think it would be any time soon... then i walked away...
this type of oven to my mum is like ging out of stock or production...
that time she wanted to buy an oven like this but couldn't find it...
until an aunty near by is selling it... although its bit old but it's not used before...
sooo... i can say why not...
it still does it's job!!!

there is the food...
sorry for the picture...

mushroom soup!!

butter rice!!!
and more!!!

It was a last mintue thing.. so.... thank god some of my friends are free....
all girls party so... i felt bad not inviting the rest...
it was my mum's idea of having a party....
sooo.... here are my friends and my grandma....
until now she like bit mixed up... as all of their names are similar... elaine, celine and elaine...
it's funny when she describe them as siting here or she sat there...

This is my sister and her friends...
although the party is on my birthday... its also like her party... :)
then... ya... they played monopoly...
even after the party... shes been suggesting that me and my mum to play monopoly with her...
oh ya... ireetha as well... wanna know who is she???
shes in the blog titled christmas eve! she came to my house and stayed a few nights....
she missed the party!!!

anyway everyone was stuffed... my mum is like totally fattening them...
haha... some of them skiped dinner... lol...
we all played games....
my friends as well but i did not take any pictures of it...
sorry was occupied... :)

The typical... make a wish, blow the candle....
Cut the cake....!!

like this picture....
i look like a timid samurai fighter!!!
its actually a bread knief.... not really sharp.... but its long!!!

This is every one except yeling... shes taking the picture....

About the presents...
one of my friends gave lots of drinks...
just what i need for the party... lol...

and these are the rest!!!
nice right???

Here i want to end this with a big thank you to my mum!!!
and my friends who came!!!
and the presents off course!!!
Thank you!
and thanks for reading!
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