its a song by Gotye....
and i have learned it on the ukulele....
It is quiet a depressing song...
after hearing it the tune has been stuck in my head...
so i have to learn it.....
well... as the saying goes
If you can't beat them , JOIN THEM!!!
BUT don't apply this to all things in life...
for example... if stealing is the in thing.... DO NOT JOIN IT!!!!
Make sense right...
so to counter argue.... that i would say....
if you can't beat them choose to do what's right!!!
another matter
i wannat point out something!!!
the title is to attract the person who hurt me...
i just wana say i know what you did... don't act innocent..
and making me the bad person.
you might think this blog is for you but
i am sorry to infrom you...
you are not worth my time and blog space... :)
(thats the smallest font... and it's not small enough... haiz... wasted paragraph.. really? nope... i have to write this.. lol...)
Why i say that?
To people out there...
Beware of friends... when people warn you that shes evil... believe it....
i have learned my lesson...
sometimes third party sees stuffs much clearer then we ourselves...
and for the record when all a person do is put people down... i suggest you stay away from them...
pathetic as they might be... you backs might be stabed...
A friend advised me to call and talk it out... but na....
i believe you will get back what you have done to others...
All these things links to the topic i want to talk about.
HUMAN NATURE of being selfish...
I do agree everyone is selfish one way or another.... but you need to have a limit...
don't let it overcome you...
for example...
you overcharge your friend to save yourself a months rent?
or to save your face you do stuffs..
or you back stab people to make yourself feel good...
Do you realise that people who are overly defensive are low esteemed???
yes they are... and most gossipers are...
they try to use words to push people down while they feel good about themselves...
BUt in society we meet a whole lot of colourful people...
who molds our characther....
we might be super pissed, hurt or even angry...
How you react to situations shows the maturity of your growth in life?
It's not all about education...
it's about lifestyle and characther...
You choose who and what you want to be....
so no matter how people treat you ...
think before you react....
i have been hurt real bad recently...
what i did was now stating my mind that i know what you did...
i am not to be bullied.... i choose to be mature enough not got go for a cat fight ..
i am quiet happy with how i reacted...
so ill never regret ... it's not my lost...
BUT i gain a lesson and an experience that molds me...
and good news i have great friends supporting me...
my sister and dude is a huge support also !!
You can do it too... choose the better route....
Think before acting...
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