One of my cousin from my dad's side of the family got married...
There we meet lots of our relative... seems that my dad's mum which is my grandmother who we call her ah ne...
don't ask me why "ah ne"?
Its a hakka thing.
She have 12 children 2 of which passed away...
one is when he/she was a baby he/she drank minyak kapak or medicated oil and the other was knocked down by a car while he was riding his bicycle...
so there were 10 left still it was a huge family.
some of my so called cousins gotten married and i don't recall getting an invitation card to their wedding . Yeah... when you have a huge family issues arises but that is another story for another day...
My cousin from austrlia and france came and we went out for dessert...

Know this place???
Yes!!! Yes!! It is Udessert in Mt. Austin...
My cousins lived in setia indah so yeah it is a place to go for desserts...
There are a few different kinds of dessert shop which are located on the same row...
for example Taroyami, Sweethut, black ball... and more
however i still think Udessert is better simply because it has more choices...
Once i had lava cake in sweet heart and i tried the desserts in taroyami so sad to say it is not to my liking...
This is my cousin, crystal and her bf, "JP" from australia...
Their love story goes something like this;
My cousin sister was back packing across europe and when she was out of cash she worked in a restaurant as a server and JP was a chef..
after that he followed her back to australia and is now staying with my cousin and her mum, my aunty...
The details in between i am not very sure...
Anyway i think it is really sweet and dramatic that a guy would leave everything he has ever known to be with someone.
And come to think about it my aunty must be shocked!! haha
Thank God his a Chef ... this kind of job is wanted everywhere... :)
The guy in the white tee is Chirstopher... Nickname "kang kang"... he is a citizen of france...
He don't seem to understand English... he speaks in mandarin more.
it seems that the france are really proud of their own lauguage...
Who can blame him, he must have though that his a france fella...
same as my cousin (mum side) wendy she say shes an australian... not chiense ... AUSTRALIAN... ha.ha.
Well the other 2 are brother and sister..
They are in JB...
Oh ya!!!
When JOyce and kang kang was younger...
Kang kang bite my sister....
and it seems that went i was young i poke crystal's eye...
i don't remember... but she remembers...
Me and my sister...
Did you notice that we are wearing similar clothes?? lol..
It was intentional...
as usual we are tight!!!
My dessert it is like a chiense cooling herbal drink...
really yummy...
but i really hope that they would serve it in a bigger bowl...
it is too little!! Not satisfying...
JP ordered mango smoothie....
you need to drink it fast or not it will turn mushy ...
Its really hard to drink...
So many types of dessert i don't know why he choose this...
This is my sisters dessert...
omg.... can you guess what it is?
sorry this is not for me....
but my sister think it is yummy....
After that we all went to play pool....
My first time....
I look funny huh?
After a while they ask me to bend lower i tried bending my legs and oh man.... i think i look retarded... i am in heels okay... lol...
Anyway it was a fun game....
My sister liked it she looks like she got the hang of it...
Her first time too....
My little cousin sister...
looking unsure of herself... but that is her... very sweet girl...
Her first time too!!!
The rest they play before...
JP our so called "si fu" he taugh us how to play it...
My sister trying to act sweet but....
comparing with shi min...
SISSY YOU LOSEEEE!!!! hahahaha...
Sorry don't have any picture of Crystal showing off her style!!! lol..
I look so huge beside her... WHY ???? LOL...
All of us!!!!!
AFter the game (i guess it must be boring for them watching beginners play...)
My cousin brother fetched my cousins to Jang Won Korean Restaurant and i went home to pick my mum and my aunties... which is crystal's mum and Kang kang's mum...
We ate and ate... until we could not eat no more...
but no matter how full we were there is always room for ice cream!!!!
All this was paid by JP...
Wow!! special thankz to JP ...
and it was a pleasure meeting you...
Overall it was a really fun gathering.
I have not seen them for a long long time...
it was nice to know that everyone is doing well.
Til the next time...
All the best!!!
May God Bless all of you!
THAnkz thankz....
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