Daughter Life can always be fun and fullfilling just a few steps to keep you up on your toes..
i read an article that i feel it is really good...
like a kid we start with a b c , counting we start with 1 2 3
Let me teach you the begining of a healthty life
with just a few simple adjustments...
For today ill teach you A - D
A = Keep ActiveMove. Develop a mindset that makes it a routine for you to stay in motion. pick up a sport ( badminton, swimming)
Start by simply taking the stairs. Being Active also means to exercise.
Most people would misunderstand it to some kind of killer work out for an hour that just leaves you sore and zombified. ha.ha. i understand how you feel... after a long day at work or just a long day of life duty makes ones lazy..working and house work is totally different then exercise..
but instead you can jus commit 30min 3 times a week... its not about how long it is about you being consistent
remember Never work out to a point of exhaustion.
Keep it sensible and consistent and watch your fitness level skyrocket.
B= Look after your BONESIndependent studiest conducted at various universities in US and Hong kong indicates that soy food have a protective effect on our bones . as it enhance calcium retention and absorption.
Combining this soya diet with weight-bearing exercise(causing you to lift weights). it's vital to buliding bone mass. it's all a great investment in your bone bank.
C = Chew you foodToo many of us just gulp our food down without even tasting it. This ends as a result of kaleidoscope eating disorders that are increasingly routine ; heartburn,indigestion and over-eating that leads to obesity.
So lets be wiser. taste every mouthful of food. Chew on it and reap the two-fold benefits. Not only you will digest your food better , magically you'll also end up eating less.
D= Visit the DoctorAt least once a year get a thorough medical check up. It could save your life seriously. Be a strong advocate to prevention as sickness shows in the routine blood or urine testing or an ECG for the heart.
thats for now A B C D ....
now some other tips....
ALL WE NEED IS A red wine PILL...Eat like the french to live longer. RESVERATROL a key ingredient in red wine that the french take regularly has been found to prevent cardiovascular decline in aging and obese mice. mice had reduced cholestorol, better bone health, better balance and motor co-ordination. it has proven to cancle out the ill effects of a high calorie diet.
however to much of a good things makes it bad...
so drink moderatly for health reasons...
GO bananas on your colonEating bananas could cut ricks of colon and rectal cancer a lot. its cause it contain Vitamin B6 which has been shown to reduce the rick of colorectal cancer by 20 to 30 %.
Vitamin B^ is believe to be a role in the metabolism of folate.
other foods whish are rich in vitamin B6 is corn , eggs, salmon, spinach.