I can presume the first intend of
Is for the better GOOD... A gift....

However it depends on what type of love you are stated about?
The constant search for LOVE is like falling in an endless pit of darknesss...
not knowing what you are getting into.
It's also like falling in love...
Guess thats why they use the word "falling in love"..
not flying in love, or droping in love or jumping into it...
Talking about types of love
1) family love- one with parents , with siblings, with grandparents and more..
2) BGR=Boy Girl relationship which would result in various senarios.
3)Love for others- people, animals, money, world.. etc
4) With God- this maybe kinda sensitive.
1) The love between family members
These are people who watched you grow up, knowing your imperfection yet still continues to love you.
although there are times when it gets rough due to disagreements.. clashing of charcters or views.
It can be tough for parents to cope with teenagers where they hold on to them and cocoooning them in as they know what's life out there is and although their intentions are good..
we do not really realise what is on our mind is that we wanna be free.
The word "FREEDOM' is really attractive at such a age..

The feeling or urge to grow up instantly is also.
Why people rebel..
After when you are all grown up when you realise.
Hope it is not too late for you.
for me Thank God it did not take me too long.
it also depends on ones family. To love can be a torture...
i know its hard using our own ways.. but through God nothing is too hard.. (my beliefs)
Love among sibilings ..
Well i have a great little sister...
although we do quarrel different enviroment changes people.
but yeah... all is good...
i better not comment on this ...
my sister might read it... :)
2) BGR
This is a tough one.
as People say FALLING IN LOVE so vague...
so uncertain... the blind leading the blind..
no one knows where we are going and what we are heading into...

is it a good thing or a bad one?
"It takes two hands to clap"
which means both have to love each other to make it work.
another phares i remember "one sticks together not just because of love but the will power of both parties to make it happen".
For both parties to be together is not that easy..
some people tell me "loving someone is really tiring" i agree if i am the one is always giving... giving and giving... no returns... as i say its a two way thing...
To love and lose yourselve at times when you give too much.. it would happen...
it is not a taboo situation... i understand...
To trust is freely given at first as to love someone you have to trust him.. however to maintain that trust is an acumulative prosess... but it can be broken instantly....
trust me.... i know...
Nothing in this world that you can just take, take, take and take... the giver would drain out....
and receiver would not even appreciate it...
it seems like it is your duty to do so...
No one is perfect this is one thing you must realise...
but it is by choice that you choose what you do to determine who this go..
some imperfections are overlooked as you are so so so in love..
when things go down hill... everything comes out...
one cheating on another or one night stand are choices people make.
i asked my friend how can bring yourself to do it?
their answer is simple that i can just use one word describing it which is "lust".
Just to do it mentality...
in this society i seen many heart breaking things that i find it hard to keep my cool.
searching for an answer but end up disapointed...
due to the fact that i am living in this times..

as i said it is a choice people make..
when a guy cheats and give you whole lot of excuses... i will think its all bull shit and ask him to receive the consequences due to that act...
It is your choice you can choose to walk away but you didn't...
such stuffs never happen to me before however i don't wish to experience it ever!
when both are in love everything can be so perfect although it is not...
as i always say love is never blind just people choose not to see....
a torture? or a gift? it is both....
In any BGR eventhough your married... it doesn't just stop there...
maintaining it and keeping it alive is one i can not teach at this stage of life..
The end result to each relationship can end up with a break up,total give up on relationships, friends with benefit life or with a marriage or worse a divource...
As i say

there are up's and down's to life as well as to love....
it can be a gift...
people change for love, i have seen some really touching changes...
although just quiting smoking, quiting a gang, quit drinking, or changing a bad habit for someone you love..
and when some who lost it... they become worse then ever...
to such extends ...
i think Love is pretty amazing... moving mountains as well as crushing it...
I guess that is why PEople are on this Quest to find Mr Right...
which i can say he doesn't exist.. as much as i want him to...
He is too unreal.. just like a fairytale...
Hold on to this love even if it breaks would you break with it?
3) Love for others.
I made this really really wide....
a love for such can be strong that it gives a purpose to your existance or even life...
as i always say live life to the fullest and not merely existing
i heard people's motto..
"Music is my life without it i am nothing"
"money maybe the root of evil but to me it is what keeps me going"
looking at it...
i don't know whether i should smile or just be undifference..
People now a days live in a times where confusion i think is the key issue....
loving things is not so of a tumbs up for me...
but if you say you have compassion for the poor, for orphan, for the old, diabled...
that is love that if i can give 4 tumbs up including my toes... lol.. (that looks siliy...)
as to have compassion here i believe there is a calling for you existance...
Here you would not just be a gift but a jewel in society..

it takes alot out of you to show compassion.. in forms of monetary, energy or time.
and it is so discourging when people take you for granted and misusing your goodness
for me... what i have seen... people calling up just for transportation..
or people calling up for favours without a simple please or thank you.
still what pushes people with compassion is that love and burden for them..
Hats off for them...
i would wanna be like them having a big heart ..
an example is my mum...
trying to reach out to people in my neighbourhood...
easy as it sounds but its actually really tough!
however she still keeps going....
I guess Compassion for people never really can stop...
if it does this world would be a cold and cruel world...
just hopeless....
I wouldn't wanna be here, would you?
4) love towards god.
Some people treat God as a second option, or when all hope is gone its like a booty call to fall back to...
as a christain...
in my way with God it was an adventurous one....
i had my peaks and pitts....
at my pitts... i would question myself...
who am i really? a child of god is it? but why the rest are like that?
i have seen so called christains living life and not judging them...
was man handeled by one.... traumatic....
it rises questions in my heart...
i am someone who ask alot of question...
My love for God comparing love for man..
weighting both ... which would be more....
i know the answer... you would say God....
but really think about it....
i am not disagreeing with the answer but questioning myself...
which is more important to me..?
I love people more... not in a good way...
i am not saying that i m shakey in my love for God...
but it is just that i can't let go of people that easily once i put heart into them...
my sister ask me... if anything happens to anyone i love what you i do?
i dunno.. actually....
one day my sister called me crying.... i was shocked and asked her what happen...
she say she dreamt that i was murdered by someone whom she knew and she went and beat up the person unconscience...
Is it a life for a life ... or a life that could save another by love and forgiveness?
Just a thought...
Thank God it is a dream.
If i am so attached to the worldly things dead to me is frightening...
i am afarid of death...
if i love God i shouldn't be afarid but as God's will...
I got lots to learn....
and not lose myself in the mist of everything...
and where All the LOVE above is all lost.... where is mist of crumble relationships....
a love that never forsakes you ....
a love that never disappoints...
a love which is unconditional.....
This love that i am still holding on dearly...
i think it is what makes me strong...
and the reason for my existance...
my mum said once...
"do not live life for anybody as you only can trust god as he will never diappoint you"
So the bottom line of the question...
is it a gift or torture..?
I depends on whether you loved with your own strenght or with God's help makes a difference.
and the will power that pushes you to stick together or give up..
However in times of hopelessness to love is a gift
it touches and change people in a good way.
The ability to love it is a gift....
LOVE is many thing as in 1corin.: 13
but is never hatered, selfishness... so i stand by it is a gift..
allthough it is hard...
Is for the better GOOD... A gift....
However it depends on what type of love you are stated about?
The constant search for LOVE is like falling in an endless pit of darknesss...
not knowing what you are getting into.
It's also like falling in love...
Guess thats why they use the word "falling in love"..
not flying in love, or droping in love or jumping into it...
Talking about types of love
1) family love- one with parents , with siblings, with grandparents and more..
2) BGR=Boy Girl relationship which would result in various senarios.
3)Love for others- people, animals, money, world.. etc
4) With God- this maybe kinda sensitive.
1) The love between family members
These are people who watched you grow up, knowing your imperfection yet still continues to love you.
although there are times when it gets rough due to disagreements.. clashing of charcters or views.
It can be tough for parents to cope with teenagers where they hold on to them and cocoooning them in as they know what's life out there is and although their intentions are good..
we do not really realise what is on our mind is that we wanna be free.
The word "FREEDOM' is really attractive at such a age..
The feeling or urge to grow up instantly is also.
Why people rebel..
After when you are all grown up when you realise.
Hope it is not too late for you.
for me Thank God it did not take me too long.
it also depends on ones family. To love can be a torture...
i know its hard using our own ways.. but through God nothing is too hard.. (my beliefs)
Love among sibilings ..
Well i have a great little sister...
although we do quarrel different enviroment changes people.
but yeah... all is good...
i better not comment on this ...
my sister might read it... :)
2) BGR
This is a tough one.
as People say FALLING IN LOVE so vague...
so uncertain... the blind leading the blind..
no one knows where we are going and what we are heading into...
is it a good thing or a bad one?
"It takes two hands to clap"
which means both have to love each other to make it work.
another phares i remember "one sticks together not just because of love but the will power of both parties to make it happen".
For both parties to be together is not that easy..
some people tell me "loving someone is really tiring" i agree if i am the one is always giving... giving and giving... no returns... as i say its a two way thing...
To love and lose yourselve at times when you give too much.. it would happen...
it is not a taboo situation... i understand...
To trust is freely given at first as to love someone you have to trust him.. however to maintain that trust is an acumulative prosess... but it can be broken instantly....
trust me.... i know...
Nothing in this world that you can just take, take, take and take... the giver would drain out....
and receiver would not even appreciate it...
it seems like it is your duty to do so...
No one is perfect this is one thing you must realise...
but it is by choice that you choose what you do to determine who this go..
some imperfections are overlooked as you are so so so in love..
when things go down hill... everything comes out...
one cheating on another or one night stand are choices people make.
i asked my friend how can bring yourself to do it?
their answer is simple that i can just use one word describing it which is "lust".
Just to do it mentality...
in this society i seen many heart breaking things that i find it hard to keep my cool.
searching for an answer but end up disapointed...
due to the fact that i am living in this times..
as i said it is a choice people make..
when a guy cheats and give you whole lot of excuses... i will think its all bull shit and ask him to receive the consequences due to that act...
It is your choice you can choose to walk away but you didn't...
such stuffs never happen to me before however i don't wish to experience it ever!
when both are in love everything can be so perfect although it is not...
as i always say love is never blind just people choose not to see....
a torture? or a gift? it is both....
In any BGR eventhough your married... it doesn't just stop there...
maintaining it and keeping it alive is one i can not teach at this stage of life..
The end result to each relationship can end up with a break up,total give up on relationships, friends with benefit life or with a marriage or worse a divource...
As i say
there are up's and down's to life as well as to love....
it can be a gift...
people change for love, i have seen some really touching changes...
although just quiting smoking, quiting a gang, quit drinking, or changing a bad habit for someone you love..
and when some who lost it... they become worse then ever...
to such extends ...
i think Love is pretty amazing... moving mountains as well as crushing it...
I guess that is why PEople are on this Quest to find Mr Right...
which i can say he doesn't exist.. as much as i want him to...
He is too unreal.. just like a fairytale...
Hold on to this love even if it breaks would you break with it?
3) Love for others.
I made this really really wide....
a love for such can be strong that it gives a purpose to your existance or even life...
as i always say live life to the fullest and not merely existing
i heard people's motto..
"Music is my life without it i am nothing"
"money maybe the root of evil but to me it is what keeps me going"
looking at it...
i don't know whether i should smile or just be undifference..
People now a days live in a times where confusion i think is the key issue....
loving things is not so of a tumbs up for me...
but if you say you have compassion for the poor, for orphan, for the old, diabled...
that is love that if i can give 4 tumbs up including my toes... lol.. (that looks siliy...)
as to have compassion here i believe there is a calling for you existance...
Here you would not just be a gift but a jewel in society..
it takes alot out of you to show compassion.. in forms of monetary, energy or time.
and it is so discourging when people take you for granted and misusing your goodness
for me... what i have seen... people calling up just for transportation..
or people calling up for favours without a simple please or thank you.
still what pushes people with compassion is that love and burden for them..
Hats off for them...
i would wanna be like them having a big heart ..
an example is my mum...
trying to reach out to people in my neighbourhood...
easy as it sounds but its actually really tough!
however she still keeps going....
I guess Compassion for people never really can stop...
if it does this world would be a cold and cruel world...
just hopeless....
I wouldn't wanna be here, would you?
4) love towards god.
Some people treat God as a second option, or when all hope is gone its like a booty call to fall back to...
as a christain...
in my way with God it was an adventurous one....
i had my peaks and pitts....
at my pitts... i would question myself...
who am i really? a child of god is it? but why the rest are like that?
i have seen so called christains living life and not judging them...
was man handeled by one.... traumatic....
it rises questions in my heart...
i am someone who ask alot of question...
My love for God comparing love for man..
weighting both ... which would be more....
i know the answer... you would say God....
but really think about it....
i am not disagreeing with the answer but questioning myself...
which is more important to me..?
I love people more... not in a good way...
i am not saying that i m shakey in my love for God...
but it is just that i can't let go of people that easily once i put heart into them...
my sister ask me... if anything happens to anyone i love what you i do?
i dunno.. actually....
one day my sister called me crying.... i was shocked and asked her what happen...
she say she dreamt that i was murdered by someone whom she knew and she went and beat up the person unconscience...
Is it a life for a life ... or a life that could save another by love and forgiveness?
Just a thought...
Thank God it is a dream.
If i am so attached to the worldly things dead to me is frightening...
i am afarid of death...
if i love God i shouldn't be afarid but as God's will...
I got lots to learn....
and not lose myself in the mist of everything...
and where All the LOVE above is all lost.... where is mist of crumble relationships....
a love that never forsakes you ....
a love that never disappoints...
a love which is unconditional.....
This love that i am still holding on dearly...
i think it is what makes me strong...
and the reason for my existance...
my mum said once...
"do not live life for anybody as you only can trust god as he will never diappoint you"
is it a gift or torture..?
I depends on whether you loved with your own strenght or with God's help makes a difference.
and the will power that pushes you to stick together or give up..
However in times of hopelessness to love is a gift
it touches and change people in a good way.
The ability to love it is a gift....
LOVE is many thing as in 1corin.: 13
but is never hatered, selfishness... so i stand by it is a gift..
allthough it is hard...
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