Some spend hours and money just to look great.
what can i say....
it just comes naturally
But the sense of style here is another thing.
Not everyone has the hang of it..
then how???
Do i suggest you give up?
Looking great and feeling all confident about yourself is ONE'S RIGHT!!!
If you find it hard...
There are some guideline for you to follow.
On a casual day.
Going for class, shopping, meeting up with your girl friends, meeting your boy friend..
This is would totally help with your image and your confidence..
1) Do not be afarid of colours!!!
- i would personally choose a bold colour for my jeans.
-how to match?
well like for hot pink it goes well with black, white, yellow, grey... ( a more settle type of colour) a patten tee would be nice..
i suggest you don't wear the same colour as the bold one.. or even the same colour category...
you will look like pink panter if you do so...
- if you go for bold colour tee... i suggest the other way round wear jeans that are black, white, blue.....
2) Make up is necessary!!
- it shows that you respect yourself.
- i don't mean you need to go all out to totally clown up...
what you need is according to each person as follows
* if your pale you can put blusher with a light slightly tinted lip gloss
* if you are dark a lip gloss with bit eyeliner will do..
* if you have big eyes and rosy cheeks add some colour to your lips..
* If you have small eyes use eyeliner and contact lens to make it bigger
** if you don't have eye brows draw it.... it defines your face better..
3) shorts... short jeans.....
- do not be afarid to flaunt your legs...
However if you have thick legs... i suggest skinny or straight cut jeans if one must wear shorts do wear it with tights...
- to match here is such that you can wear an oversaiz tee... not that type you go to sleep in...the tee must not be too long til your shorts are all overed....
- do not wear tight tee with shorts you will look really cheap that is not how you want people to remember you as.
- if your going for a cute sweet look... baby tee goes well...or a short dress tee...
- actually normal tee will do ...
4) wear necklace..
- do you know indian believe that one should always wear necklace? as it shows class... ( if i remember clearly)
- there are a few types of necklace... such as chokers, long tpe, big type, weird and fun type...
- what i can suggest is that for those really colourful and fun type.... it is better to wear it with a plain simple tee.
if those bulky type you can go with earthy colours if your going for the bohimein look.
- chokers are usually for the daring.... it can go with any tee... depending on how the choker looks... the more plain the choker is the more you cover up....meaning round neck tee... lol...
5) earrings
it depends on how your hair and face....
if you want your face and neck to look long.... buy long earrings.... the feather type is nice...
if you have short hair.... that doesn't cover your ears... Explore wearing different type of earrings!!!!
if you have long hair.... when it is let down long and big earings are good..
if you only have small earrings only... tie up your hair will look great!!
6) Bags/ handbags
too me i think....
Find what you like and yea match it with what you are wearing....
however if like those really really small sling bags i don't like how it looks ...
whats the point of having a bag when you cant even carry much??
7) heels, shoes or sandals....
for heels.... skirts, jeans and shorts all also can....
for shoes don't wear with skirts it is not very nice.
sandals.... those flat one with striping do not match well with jeans...
Try IT OUT and LOOK GREAt!!!!
For Formal look....
will update soon!!
it will be great if you could click the follow button...
and get groovy with me!!
"make up shows u respect urself"..really??
me too kind of disagree with this statement....
Deletelol... i like your statement... the world is a very cruel one... when you dress up you are puting effort and it shows you respect yourself..
Deletethe 1st thing ppl see in you is your appearance and how you protray yourself...
if you don't even dress up it shows you are someone who have let go of yourself... it is not a nice image to show...
and usually if you go for a job interview.. when you look pleasent and of cause with your abilities you are high likely to be choosen if i were to compare with someone who has the same ability and looks messy...
so... its just a personal view..
those who read my post are one who wants to improve themselves.. and i am just trying to help...
i respect your personal view... if make up is not for you then you don't have to use it.. :)
thanks for reading...
do visit again