Sunday, November 15, 2009

WE all got it!!!!!

Got it??? you might be thinking got what? What i mean is super powers... Get it?? lol... i m confusing you...

what i have learned today was something that i think that we some how gone through it or not or might have attempted to try... simple tasks such as;
* love one another
*forgive one another
which make us shine as a christain we need to shine be different all this needs much practice i admit i find it hard to forgive and forget .. it seems that when i am facing a person that had did me wrong.. a strong feeling of hatered overcomes my heart.. so i can say we need to care for others and we are called to care.. its in our nature to care ..

The world is filled with darkness and what occasion is it??? (Eph 5:15-17) when the days are evil the need for us christains to be careful and to be clear of God's will in our lives so that we can share a clear vision of what is to come...
(eph 2:10) as we are the workmanship of god created in the image of God we are expected to do good works some people might say we can do better and even greater works...
Do i mean miracles? must it be something that is so so extra ordinary???
Greater things can just be ; reaching out to people in uncomfortable situation or settings, while preaching the gospel caused you to feel rejected or brings you embarrassment , or we when we pray for something and failed.. looks simple at first but the action or the doing is much much tougher..
thats when we need to b daring.. without attempting all those things through fear or complex emotions our faith will grow..(john14:12) anyone who has faith in God will do what he has been doing.. God will help us when we attempt to do things that are pleasing to his eyes..

we as humans always deny or in doubt that we do not have the capacity or the ablility sometimes we think that its better for other people to do it but the fact is that we can rise up to it however some of us are not ready but here we will never know when we are ready til we take the first step and try... we do have the ability and god has equipped us

thats when we need to be certain of who God is to us.. Gods can change Saul who is persecuting chirstains he was called by god through Ananias a prophet .. i was thinking if i am Ananias i would be too scared... but Ananias choose to go... and wao... a change....
when we are certain of who we are in christ a small act a small start is just what we need to so call get the ball rolling...

God is always ready to help us when we choose to rise up to the occasion...
are you up for the challege?

1 comment:

  1. yup..
    i am up for the challege.. hehe..
    was Saul after that became 1 of the apostle and changed his name to Paul..?
    anyway, you said you always please ppls, hav you ever think that i might be the 1, sent by God to please you..?? hehe ;P


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